NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center 62nd Annual Field Day Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Refreshments, Welcome and AES and Extension Highlights 9 a.m. at the Main Office noon meal provided MORNING TOUR OPTIONS-9:30 TO 12:00 [ATTEND ONE) AGRONOMY RESEARCH REVIEW: Wheat Production Update Review Dry Bean, Flax and Canola Breeding Programs Corn Production and Wide-row Corn Soybean Breeding Program and White Mold Management CREC Research Project Updates for Canola, Corn, and Dry Bean LVESTOCK PRODUCTION REVIEW: Drought Management with Drylot Cows/Calves Economic Perspectives for Drought Early-weaning of Calves Feeding Alternative Grains Dakota Feeder Calf Show Feedout Manure Management During Drought ND Feed Regulations Less Expensive Feeds Annual Forage Options Grass Establishment on Saline Soils ORGANIC / SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: NDSU Pulse Breeding and Organic Research N Fixing Corn NDSU Breeding for Organic and Local Food Markets Emmer, Einkorn and Spelt Ancient Grains Evaluation of a Determinate Buckwheat Weed Management in Organic Production Wheat/Flax Intercropping NORTHERN HARDY FRUIT PROJECT REVIEW: Orchard Tour of Fruits Equipment Demonstration and Presentation by TrimTab Agriculture AFTERNOON TOUR - 1:15-3:00 In person activities pose an unknown level of risk due to COVID-19. Participation is voluntary. NDSU will take all reasonable measures, but cannot, at any level, assure protection from exposure. PRODUCTION SYSTEMS/PLANT NUTRITION/PLANT PATHOLOGY: CREC Precision Agriculture Update Pesticide Application with UAVS Robotic Rock Picking Demonstration Dry Bean White Mold Management N Pulse Crop Disease Management Management of Low pH Soils Noxious Weed Update NDSU ERIMENT STATION DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL NDSU EXTENSION Carrington Research Extension Center 663 Hwy. 281 NE Carrington, ND 58421 701-652-2951 www.ag.ndsu.edu/CarringtonREC NDSU is an equal opportunity educator, employer and provider. Visit ndsu.edu/equity or call 701-231-7708. NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center 62nd Annual Field Day Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Refreshments, Welcome and AES and Extension Highlights 9 a.m. at the Main Office noon meal provided MORNING TOUR OPTIONS-9:30 TO 12:00 [ATTEND ONE) AGRONOMY RESEARCH REVIEW: Wheat Production Update Review Dry Bean, Flax and Canola Breeding Programs Corn Production and Wide-row Corn Soybean Breeding Program and White Mold Management CREC Research Project Updates for Canola, Corn, and Dry Bean LVESTOCK PRODUCTION REVIEW: Drought Management with Drylot Cows/Calves Economic Perspectives for Drought Early-weaning of Calves Feeding Alternative Grains Dakota Feeder Calf Show Feedout Manure Management During Drought ND Feed Regulations Less Expensive Feeds Annual Forage Options Grass Establishment on Saline Soils ORGANIC / SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: NDSU Pulse Breeding and Organic Research N Fixing Corn NDSU Breeding for Organic and Local Food Markets Emmer, Einkorn and Spelt Ancient Grains Evaluation of a Determinate Buckwheat Weed Management in Organic Production Wheat/Flax Intercropping NORTHERN HARDY FRUIT PROJECT REVIEW: Orchard Tour of Fruits Equipment Demonstration and Presentation by TrimTab Agriculture AFTERNOON TOUR - 1:15-3:00 In person activities pose an unknown level of risk due to COVID-19. Participation is voluntary. NDSU will take all reasonable measures, but cannot, at any level, assure protection from exposure. PRODUCTION SYSTEMS/PLANT NUTRITION/PLANT PATHOLOGY: CREC Precision Agriculture Update Pesticide Application with UAVS Robotic Rock Picking Demonstration Dry Bean White Mold Management N Pulse Crop Disease Management Management of Low pH Soils Noxious Weed Update NDSU ERIMENT STATION DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL NDSU EXTENSION Carrington Research Extension Center 663 Hwy. 281 NE Carrington, ND 58421 701-652-2951 www.ag.ndsu.edu/CarringtonREC NDSU is an equal opportunity educator, employer and provider. Visit ndsu.edu/equity or call 701-231-7708.