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  • Published Date

    September 23, 2022
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BEK Connections that Matter. ANNOUNCEMENT BEK Communications is temporarily adjusting our Valley City lobby hours. Effective Monday, September 26, 2022, our new lobby hours will be Monday-Friday, 2:00pm-5:00pm. Local customer phone support hours remain the same. For your convenience, a payment drop box is available 24/7 on the west side of the building. bek.coop | 701.845.0355 | 220 4th St. NE, Valley City, ND 58072 BEK Connections that Matter . ANNOUNCEMENT BEK Communications is temporarily adjusting our Valley City lobby hours . Effective Monday , September 26 , 2022 , our new lobby hours will be Monday - Friday , 2:00 pm-5:00pm . Local customer phone support hours remain the same . For your convenience , a payment drop box is available 24/7 on the west side of the building . bek.coop | 701.845.0355 | 220 4th St. NE , Valley City , ND 58072