Congratulations, Class of 2021. Look around. You're part of a pretty big family. The cooperative family. As a consumer of Cass County Electric energy, you are automatically a member-and membership has its perks. The Co-op Connections program saves you money on everyday expenses . Yearly allocation of capital credits -your portion of the excess revenues Free access to money-saving tools with the Cass County Electric app Cass County Electric Cooperative CassCounty Congratulations , Class of 2021 . Look around . You're part of a pretty big family . The cooperative family . As a consumer of Cass County Electric energy , you are automatically a member - and membership has its perks . The Co - op Connections program saves you money on everyday expenses . Yearly allocation of capital credits -your portion of the excess revenues Free access to money - saving tools with the Cass County Electric app Cass County Electric Cooperative CassCounty