FALL SAVINGS P Performance Seed 209 20 Lb. Wild Finch Bird Food 972521 EZG WWW.KO WED FINCH POD BIRDA STARTING AT Round Compact Smoke Alarm 111068 $24.99 24.99 W3 wells lamont First Alert 111065 $26.99 99¢ Large Brown Wearpower Jersey Gloves 170548 Plug-In CO Alarm with Battery Backup MONE ALL First Alert CARSON MONDE ALIM DO NOT PAINT Sale Ends October 31, 2022 Handy Home & Hardware 727 15th Ave SW, Valley City 845-1332 FALL SAVINGS P Performance Seed 209 20 Lb. Wild Finch Bird Food 972521 EZG WWW.KO WED FINCH POD BIRDA STARTING AT Round Compact Smoke Alarm 111068 $ 24.99 24.99 W3 wells lamont First Alert 111065 $ 26.99 99 ¢ Large Brown Wearpower Jersey Gloves 170548 Plug - In CO Alarm with Battery Backup MONE ALL First Alert CARSON MONDE ALIM DO NOT PAINT Sale Ends October 31 , 2022 Handy Home & Hardware 727 15th Ave SW , Valley City 845-1332