OLIVER-NATHAN FUNERAL CHAPEL Every day we plan for major life events such as birthdays, graduations, weddings, and retirement. While it's always challenging for us to consider the details of what we leave behind, being prepared can provide great relief to your loved ones during a difficult time. It warrants the same amount of thoughtful consideration that you would devote to any other milestone life event. Through pre-planning, you can provide your self and your family with the peace of mind you deserve. We know that funerals are a reflection of the relationships a person has built over a lifetime. That's why our funeral home helps families ensure that each funeral reflects that. JEFF NATHAN & BROOKE GUBRUD, Licensed Directors Contact us for all your pre-planning needs 251 Central Avenue South, Valley City, North Dakota www.oliver-nathanchapel.com 701-845-2414 OLIVER-NATHAN FUNERAL CHAPEL Every day we plan for major life events such as birthdays, graduations, weddings, and retirement. While it's always challenging for us to consider the details of what we leave behind, being prepared can provide great relief to your loved ones during a difficult time. It warrants the same amount of thoughtful consideration that you would devote to any other milestone life event. Through pre-planning, you can provide your self and your family with the peace of mind you deserve. We know that funerals are a reflection of the relationships a person has built over a lifetime. That's why our funeral home helps families ensure that each funeral reflects that. JEFF NATHAN & BROOKE GUBRUD, Licensed Directors Contact us for all your pre-planning needs 251 Central Avenue South, Valley City, North Dakota www.oliver-nathanchapel.com 701-845-2414