NORTH DAKOTA State Normal School VALLEY CITY VCSU and Valley City Forward MIMORIAL Together STUD CENT Much has changed at Valley City State University since the Normal School was founded in 1890, but one constant has withstood the test of time - the mutualy supportive relationship between the school and the community. Time after time, the university and the geater Valey City community have stood together as successful partners. enjoying and conerbuting to each other's successes and working together to overcome trials and tribulations. The accolades that Valley City receives are shared with the university, and VCSU's state, regonal and national recogrition retects well on the community The university provides outstanding opportunities tor area residents to further their educations witn a host of program and degree options. Mary from the local area have studied on campus, and the community is ful ot loyal VCSU alumni veSU students, faculty and staff also form a portion of the Valey City community, and likewise area residents connect with the univenity by porticipating in campus activites and attending VeSU music and fine arts events, along with viking athletic contests Economic impact works both ways as well. The university depends on the financial support of the community, and vOsU contributes much to the local economy. The Gaukder Family Weiness, Health and Physical Education Center stands as testimony to the university and community working together for mutual benett, and the walk bridge connecting campus to community symbolizes the link betwoen town and goen. The forthocoming Center for the Arts promises to be a tremendous addition to VCSU and Valey City, serving to further strenghen the bonds between the university and the city in years to come. VALLEY CITY STATE UNIVERSITY NORTH DAKOTA State Normal School VALLEY CITY VCSU and Valley City Forward MIMORIAL Together STUD CENT Much has changed at Valley City State University since the Normal School was founded in 1890, but one constant has withstood the test of time - the mutualy supportive relationship between the school and the community. Time after time, the university and the geater Valey City community have stood together as successful partners. enjoying and conerbuting to each other's successes and working together to overcome trials and tribulations. The accolades that Valley City receives are shared with the university, and VCSU's state, regonal and national recogrition retects well on the community The university provides outstanding opportunities tor area residents to further their educations witn a host of program and degree options. Mary from the local area have studied on campus, and the community is ful ot loyal VCSU alumni veSU students, faculty and staff also form a portion of the Valey City community, and likewise area residents connect with the univenity by porticipating in campus activites and attending VeSU music and fine arts events, along with viking athletic contests Economic impact works both ways as well. The university depends on the financial support of the community, and vOsU contributes much to the local economy. The Gaukder Family Weiness, Health and Physical Education Center stands as testimony to the university and community working together for mutual benett, and the walk bridge connecting campus to community symbolizes the link betwoen town and goen. The forthocoming Center for the Arts promises to be a tremendous addition to VCSU and Valey City, serving to further strenghen the bonds between the university and the city in years to come. VALLEY CITY STATE UNIVERSITY