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  • Published Date

    March 25, 2019
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WELLS FARGO This is more than great rates This is more savings for wherever you're going Platinum Savings Account 0/ Annual Percentage Yield for 12 months 0 with new money deposits of at least 2.10% s 2.40% account balance of $25,000 or more Guaranteed Fixed-Rate CD 0/ 0 Annual Percentage Yield for an 11-month term with new money deposits of at least $25,0002 Talk to a banker for details Offer expires May 31, 2019. Business owner? Ask about our business savings rates. Offers available in AZ, CA, CO, ND, NM, NV, OR, SD and WA. Portfolio by Wells Fargo customers are eligible to receive an additional bonus interest rate on these accounts L To quality for this off AZ CA CO ND, NM, NY, OR s0and WAder to earn the Special nberest Raide of 2 08N Special Ratel you must depos 25.000 in sew money rom souresusideoWells Fare Bank, NA, or itsaftlates)s the evolled savings count and mintain a minmum daily account balance of have a new or esiting Patin Savings accoont and enroll the account in this offer betwn 03/25219 and5/3219Thisoujct to dhangt at uny inwithout notice. This offer is available ony to Platinum Srvings cuntomers in the AwaPetestage Yeldam for thes offer a .0%ne Speca Rate wil be appied tothe ereoled smg K ont fo aprot d 12 months satngonth dette a cour isen led . th de Hover oant, dure thru mont the Special Rate willnot apol andthe interestcae will evert to the standard indenest rate applicable to your Plainm Savings ntAsof oa/1s/2019.the standard interest rate and APY for a Platinm Savinsaccount in n the daly collested balances in the account Upon the espiration of the 12 month promotional periodandard intrest rate apply Minimom to open muy reduce earnings,Inbenest ates anearb an ject to dhunge without setice.Wells Fago muy ii the amount you depesit to a Plutinum Sivings account to an aggrngate of $1 million. Offer not vailable to Priae Banking or Vichcustomers 2.Aual PercentageWld APY) effectie ts pe ed between a 25 2019 to 06 3L 2013 The il month N Dol CD p ial" qures amim of $25 00be ttowels Fa of om eesots de Nel F oBank NA otsaftates to ea "the ad t edi Atik Funds and Whole eaceontsze etel befor this oAPY assumes inberest remains on depesit until maturnity.witeest is compounded daly Payment of intesest on CDs is based ontem Fo terms less than 12 months (365 days, interest ay be paild onthly quartedly.sem-awally or at mone,interest may be paid monthly.quarterly,se-anualy or annuay.A fee for eany withdawalwl be imposed and could reduce earnings on this account Special Rates are appliable to the initialterm of the tthe inberest rate and APY in ffet for COs on enewal date not bject to a Special Rate uness the Bank has notbified you otherse L2.Due to the new money nequirement.ccounts-may only be ogened at your local branch Wlls Fargo reserves the right to modify or discontinue the offer at any tim Savings account is $25 A monthly service fee of $12appes in an moth the account all below $3,500mnmm daly blance, Fees the Special Rate CO wil automatically renew for a term-of 6months you will be required to do so with another new monny deposit ans stated in the ofer nequiremnts nd qulficatioes Offer cannot be combined with any other comumet deporit ofli,exet the Portolio by Wells Fargo $500 offec ilbe fom March 25,2019 unti May 33. 2019 Offer cannot be epod ed,prchased,sold, t at fered,ort aded. 3. The Portfolieby WelsFa gopro amhasaS30mot Nyse voe fee, whohea be avoid dwhenyo ha ro eof the fole ngqualty ngba oes $25,000 enqui1fmg1 kedbakde e tace urts d drsr ngACDsFDK-t ied As or 550,000 or mone in any combinationofquailtying Inkedbanking ì sa n sacco nts. ard downts or fee wa en oother prodcts rd se vees dso ntin e ar rert to the ark's t en ne t appiablerne or fee. For ons nterest rateson time accout, th, dan ew ocor-poe ewa·if the Port i by wa kayo relations s tem ated the remaining unlinked Wells Fargo Portfolo Checking or Wels Fargo Prime Checking account will be converted to another dhecking prodact or desed thoughWelsFargoAdesors, LLC andaeditbalances Including 20%of balances,cenrtain mertgages not eligblelHthe Portfolio by wells Fargorelationshpis terminated, the bonus isterest rate onal